Hooray! You've decided to join us!

We are thrilled to have you part of our all-women* musical family.  Here's what you need to know about joining our chorus:

  • You enjoy singing

  • You are at least 15 years of age

  • We ask that you attend four out of six consecutive rehearsals

During the rehearsals, you will join the chorus in warm-up exercises and singing, learn a song for your voice test, and learn about what Harmony, Inc., our international organization, has to offer.

The music director auditions prospective members before membership applications are considered. Don't worry, it's painless and private.  

Once your voice test is successful, you pay a one-time registration fee to Harmony, Inc., and begin paying monthly chorus dues. Monthly chorus dues are $25, (for all 12 months) which support our ongoing operational and music expenses, coaching, education, and training.

Reduced membership rates are available for members under 25 and members joining mid-year.

For more information contact or visit a practice. We would be happy to walk you through our process.

You can download our Information Brochure by clicking HERE. (Opens in a new tab)

* Membership to the Elm City Echoes, Inc. is open to all women - individuals who identify as female and people assigned female at birth who now identify as non-binary and are comfortable belonging to a community of women.